Legal Metrology: Worth the Weight

What is Legal Metrology?

Legal Metrology is a branch of metrology that focuses on regulatory measurements and standards to protect consumers and ensure fair trade practices. It encompasses the laws and regulations that govern the accuracy and reliability of measuring instruments used in various commercial transactions. See Weight and Measurements Act

The regulatory requirements of legal metrology typically cover the following aspects of measuring instruments:


Measuring instruments must be accurate enough to meet the needs of the intended application.


Measuring instruments must be reliable and consistent in their measurements.



Measuring instruments must be used in a fair and transparent manner.


Measuring instruments must be traceable to national or international standards.

Importance of Legal Metrology:

The scope of metrology is far reaching, as it infiltrates both the public and private sectors. Accurate measurements are critical to the proper functioning of society as a whole. In diagnostics and medicine, for example, incorrect measurements can have serious consequences. Additionally, the volume of gas that is put into our vehicles or the weight of the produce we purchase at the grocery store must all be verified.

The Metrology unit at Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ) has been mandated under the Weights and Measures Act (2006) to regulate all weights and measurement activities within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and has been tasked with ensuring that consistency, fairness and equity in trade within The Bahamas is confirmed, documented and supported with facts. The Metrology team has received training both locally and internationally, and is equipped with calibrated reference and working standards ensuring traceability to the SI (International System of Units).

The Metrology unit seeks to offer the following:

Getting What You Pay For

How do I ensure the accuracy of weighing instruments and fuel dispensers?

Approved Certification Example

Approved Stickers:

Approved stickers are affixed to measuring instruments that have been verified and found to comply with legal metrology standards. These stickers indicate that the instrument is accurate, reliable, and suitable for use in commercial transactions. They typically contain the following information:
Rejected Certification Example

Rejected Stickers:

Rejected stickers are used when a measuring instrument fails to meet legal metrology requirements during verification. These stickers signify that the instrument is not accurate or reliable for trade purposes and should not be used for commercial transactions. Information on rejected stickers may include:

Contact the Legal Metrology Department

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