Legal Metrology Services

At BBSQ, we are committed to upholding the principles of Legal Metrology to ensure the accuracy of measuring instruments. Our verification services play a vital role in promoting fair trade practices and maintaining transparency in commercial transactions. Our current verification services include:

Verification of Weighing Instruments:

We offer verification services for weighing instruments such as scales and weighing machines used in commercial applications. Ensuring their accuracy is crucial to prevent any discrepancies in the measurement of goods sold by weight.

Gas Pump Nozzle Measurements
Verification of Fuel Dispensers:

Our expert team conducts regular verification of fuel dispensers to guarantee accurate volume measurement during fuel sales. This ensures that consumers receive the amount of fuel they pay for (within tolerance), promoting transparency and trust.

See our fee schedule and submit your request for verification today!

Metrology Verification

Legal Metrology Verification
Additional Services
Services Requested
*I hereby request The Bahamas Bureau of Standards & Quality to provide the services requested above and undertake to pay the fee and abide by the terms herein. I also agree that any remaining units of samples submitted for laboratory tests will be:

Metrology Price List

Weighing Instruments

Type of Device


(1) Scale – Maximum capacity of 20 kg (44 pounds)


(2) Scale – Maximum capacity above 20 kg up to and including 100 kg


(3) Scale – Maximum capacity above 100 kg up to and including 250 kg


(4) Scale – Maximum capacity above 250 kg up to and including 500 kg


(5) Scale – Maximum capacity above 500 kg up to and including 5000 kg (11,00 pounds)


(6) Scale – Maximum capacity above 5000 kg


(7) Pharmacy balances


(8) Jeweller’s balances


Liquid Fuel Volume Measuring Instruments

Type of Device


(9) Fuel pump dispenser nozzle


(10) Fuel pump dispenser nozzle re-verification


(11) Flow meter (Annually)


(12) Wholesale truck meter (Annually)


Linear Measuring Instruments

Type of Device


(13) Steel tapes (Annually)


(14) Package inspections


(15) Label assessment


*** Fee prices are based on a regional average of services within the CARICOM community plus approximately two hours of labour.

*** Please note that any additional time required not at the fault of the Bureau will incur extra service charges.


Reports (for three reports)


Urgent Results


Additional Costs

Contact the Legal Metrology Department

Legal Metrology Department Contact Form