ISO 30012:2016 specifies test methods for measurement of the size and aspect ratio of crushed carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRP), especially for recycling purpose. In this International Standard the shape of crushed CFRP, the fragment, is treated as a rectangular shape, and the measurement of the long and short sides of the shape is described. It applies to fragments of the following average dimensions:
– length of the long side: 5 mm to 50 mm;
– width of the short side: 1 mm to 10 mm.
ISO 30012:2016 provides three measuring methods, two methods are manual methods using microscope and scale and the third method is an automatic method using a measuring apparatus.
Crushed CFRP obtained from thermosetting or thermoplastic resin matrices are covered by this International Standard.
NOTE If the crushed CFRP contain a lot of small fragments and fine particle, it is intended to screen out by a sieve of 1 mm size before the measurement.