ISO International Standard

Information technology — Conformance testing for the biometric application programming interface (BioAPI) — Part 2: Test assertions for biometric service providers

ISO/IEC 24709-2:2007 defines a number of test assertions written in the assertion language specified in ISO/IEC 24709-1. These assertions enable a user of ISO/IEC 24709-2:2007 (such as a testing laboratory) to test the conformance to ISO/IEC 19784-1 (BioAPI 2.0) of any biometric service provider (BSP) that claims to be a conforming implementation of that International Standard. Each test assertion specified in ISO/IEC 24709-2:2007 exercises one or more features of an implementation under test. Assertions are placed into packages (one or more assertions per package) as required by the assertion language. These assertions allow for testing conformance of BSPs of all conformance subclasses, and are further organized according to conformance subclasses and claimed support of optional features.

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