ISO 16869:2008 specifies a method for determining the effectiveness of fungistatic compounds in protecting susceptible ingredients like plasticizers, stabilizers, etc., in plastics formulations. The method demonstrates whether or not a plastic product is actively protected against fungal attack.
The evaluation is by visual examination.
The test is applicable to any articles made of plastic that are in the form of films or plates no thicker than 10 mm. In addition, porous materials such as plastic foams may be tested provided that they are in the above-mentioned form.
A minimum diffusion of the fungicides that migrate out of the matrix is necessary with this procedure.
In contrast to ISO 846, the test films are not sprayed with a fungal spore suspension but covered with a layer of test agar containing spores. It has been found that this leads to a better distribution of the spores as well as providing a good supply of water necessary for spore germination on plastic surfaces that are normally hydrophobic.