This document specifies a series of methods for the determination of the ability of a pressure sensitive tape to remain adhered under a constant load applied parallel to the surfaces of the tape and substrate.
This document contains:
— method A: Self adhesive tapes ? Measurement of shear adhesion to a vertical standard steel panel;
— method B: Self adhesive tapes ? Measurement of shear adhesion to a vertical panel covered with NIST SRM 1810A[1] standard fibreboard;
— method C: Self adhesive tapes ? Measurement of shear adhesion to a vertical panel covered with a fibreboard agreed upon by the buyer and seller;
— method D: Self adhesive tapes ? Measurement of shear adhesion of filament reinforced tape applied to a horizontal standard steel panel;
— method E: Self adhesive tapes ? Measurement of shear adhesion of filament reinforced tape applied to a horizontal panel covered with NIST SRM 1810A1) standard fibreboard;
— method F: Self adhesive tapes ? Measurement of shear adhesion of filament reinforced tape applied to a horizontal panel covered with a fibreboard agreed upon by the buyer and seller;
— method G: Self adhesive tapes ? Measurement of shear adhesion to a vertical standard steel panel at elevated temperature after a 10 min dwell time.
[1] NIST SRM 1810A is National Institute of Standards and Technology ? Standard Reference Material 1810A and is available from the Institute at Gaithersburg, Maryland MD 20899, USA.