ISO International Standards

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Service excellence — Principles and model


Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Physically unclonable functions — Part 2: Test and evaluation methods


Ageing societies — General requirements and guidelines for an age-inclusive workforce


Cigarettes — Determination of benzo[a]pyrene in cigarette mainstream smoke using GC/MS — Part 1: Method using methanol as extraction solvent


Screening of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in cotton and textiles


Vitreous and porcelain enamels — Regenerative, enamelled and packed panels for air-gas and gas-gas heat exchangers — Specifications


Fire extinguishing media — Foam concentrates — Part 3: Specification for low-expansion foam concentrates for top application to water-miscible liquids


Petroleum products — Gum content of fuels — Jet evaporation method — Amendment 1: Purity requirement for n-heptane


Water efficiency labelling programmes – Requirements with guidance for implementation


Cleaning, inspection and repair of firefighters’ personal protective equipment (PPE)


Evaluation of thickness, density and interface width of thin films by X-ray reflectometry — Instrumental requirements, alignment and positioning, data collection, data analysis and reporting


Information technology — Cloud computing — Cloud service metering elements and billing modes


Plastics — Polyamides — Accelerated conditioning of test specimens


Plastics — Thermoplastic polyester (TP) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties


Plain bearings — Lubrication holes, grooves and pockets — Dimensions, types, designation and their application to bearing bushes


Bases for design of structures — General principles on seismically isolated structures


Plastics — Abrasion test method for artificial turfs using combined UV exposure and mechanical wear


Industrial valves — Bolted bonnet steel gate valves


Small craft — Permanently installed fuel systems


Information technology — C++ extensions for reflection


Service activities relating to drinking water supply, wastewater and stormwater systems — Examples of good practices for stormwater management


Energy management systems — Guidelines for a phased implementation


Geographic information — Conformance and testing


Capability of detection — Part 6: Methodology for the determination of the critical value and the minimum detectable value in Poisson distributed measurements by normal approximations
