ISO International Standards

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Hand protection — Guidance for selection and use


Solid biofuels — Determination of ash content


Round non-alloy steel wires for general purpose wire ropes, large diameter wire ropes and mine hoisting wire ropes —Specifications


Paper, board and pulps — Determination of pH of aqueous extracts — Part 1: Cold extraction


Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere at very low concentrations of polluting gas(es) — Amendment 1: Footnote of Warning


Internet of Things (IoT) — Underwater communication technologies for IoT


Surface chemical analysis — Sputter depth profiling — Optimization using layered systems as reference materials


Road vehicles — Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles — Definitions, tests and requirements — Amendment 1


Stranded wire ropes for mine hoisting — Fibre components — Characteristics and tests


Paper and board — Cut-size office paper — Measurement of curl in a pack of sheets


Stranded wire ropes for mine hoisting — Impregnating compounds, lubricants and service dressings — Characteristics and tests


Stranded wire ropes for mine hoisting — Technical delivery requirements


Traditional Chinese medicine — General requirements of moxibustion devices


Photography — Processed photographic colour films and paper prints — Methods for measuring image stability


Metallic materials — Torsion test at room temperature


Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 4: Routines and types using the Java™ programming language


Timekeeping instruments — Symbolization of control positions


Pulps — Sampling for testing


Connections for fluid power and general use — Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 metric threads and O-ring sealing — Part 4: Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements for external hex and internal hex port plugs


Paper and board — Determination of colour by diffuse reflectance — Part 3: Indoor illumination conditions (D50/2°)


Paints and varnishes — Pendulum damping test


Paper and board — Determination of alkali reserve


Mechanical pencils for technical drawings — Part 1: Classification, dimensions, performance requirements and testing


Technical product documentation (TPD) — General principles of presentation — Part 71: Simplified representation for mechanical engineering drawings
